Engineers for Germany: Your Gateway for a Successful Career


Join us for a kick-off session for the "Engineers for Germany" program—your ultimate guide to navigating the German job market.

The Perfect CV for your Application in Germany


In this webinar you will get an overview of how to create a top-notch CV.

Convincing Cover Letters for Applications in Germany


In this webinar we will focus on carefully analyzing job ads and wording authentic and convincing cover letters.

Future Skills. Kompetenzen für die Arbeitswelt der Zukunft


Wie verändert sich die Arbeitswelt und welche Talente und Kompetenzen bringe ich dafür mit?

Level Up your Profile on Business Platforms


This webinar is for you, if you’re looking to take your job search to the next level and leverage your LinkedIn or Xing profile to build to network with the right professionals.

Job Coaching for Engineers


In this session you’ll gain valuable insights and personalized advice to help you navigate the German job market.

Der perfekte Lebenslauf


In diesem Webinar lernen Sie, wie Sie Ihr individuelles Profil gut darstellen können.

Bewerbungsmythen im Check: Fakten und Legenden


In diesem Webinar lernen Sie, typische Fehler zu vermeiden und sich nicht auf Halbwissen im Bewerbungsprozess zu verlassen.

KI im Bewerbungs- und Personalauswahlprozess


In diesem Webinar werden wir die Grundlagen der KI in der Personalauswahl beleuchten und zeigen, wie KI-Tools effektiv nutzbar sind, um den Bewerbungsprozess zu optimieren.

Das professionelle Bewerbungsanschreiben


Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie Ihr Anschreiben präzise und positionsbezogen formulieren können.

Jobhunting with a Strategy


In this webinar, you will gain valuable insights on leveraging networks to enhance your job search.

Successful Interviewing


In this webinar, you will learn how to effectively prepare to convince recruiters at every step of the process.

Karriere neu gedacht. Was will ich wirklich?


In diesem Webinar diskutieren wir Strategien, wie Sie herausfinden können, was Ihnen wichtig ist und wie Sie Ehrgeiz und Gesundheit in Einklang bringen können.

Tipps für Vorstellungsgespräche und Gehaltsverhandlungen


In diesem Webinar gehen wir auf die entscheidenden Komponenten gelungener Vorstellungsgespräche ein und tauchen ein in die Kunst, die eigenen Stärken überzeugend zu präsentieren.

The Perfect CV for Your Application in Germany


In this webinar you will get an overview of how to create a top-notch CV.

Ask an Alum: Starting a Career as Data Analyst in Germany


Join us for a Q&A with TUM Alum Mustika Rizki Fitriyanti on how to start a career in Germany.

Challenging Applications


This webinar will provide you with new ideas and tips to overcome these obstacles.

Interview Clinics


Nervous about job interviews? The Interview Clinics gives all participants the opportunity to learn from their peers in mock interviews.

Jobs, Praktika und Traineeships in Nordamerika


In diesem Vortrag wird gezeigt, wie ihr bei der Planung für Sommerjobs, Praktika und Traineeships in Nordamerika vorgehen könnt.

Convincing Cover Letters for Applications in Germany


In this webinar we will focus on carefully analyzing job ads and wording authentic and convincing cover letters.

Job Coaching for Engineers


In this session you’ll gain valuable insights and personalized advice to help you navigate the German job market.

Der perfekte Lebenslauf


In diesem Webinar lernen Sie, wie Sie Ihr individuelles Profil gut darstellen können.

Storytelling for Career Success


In this session, we will look at the key elements of storytelling in your job applications – connect the dots and create a convincing story.

Ask an Alum: Starting a Data Analytics Career in Germany


Join us for a Q&A with TUM Alum Víctor Eduardo Vásquez Ortiz on how to start a career in Germany.

Job Coaching for Engineers


In this session you’ll gain valuable insights and personalized advice to help you navigate the German job market.

ChatGPT clever einsetzen: Smarte Strategien für die Karriereplanung


Erfahren Sie in diesem Webinar, wie Sie ChatGPT optimal nutzen.

Welcome Session | Career Day


In this short welcome session we will give you an overview of the TUM Career Service's offers and chat briefly with a TUM Alumni to learn how they profited from these services.

Q&A Jobhunting | Career Day


Finding the right job is easier said than done. Where should you start, how do you best utilize your network, what is the hidden job market?

Bewerbungsfotoaktion | Career Day

Sonstiges,TUM Campus München

Bewerbungsfotoaktion. Teilnahmeplätze sind begrenzt.

CV Check & Career Service to Go

Beratung,TUM Campus Weihenstephan

Kommen Sie mit Ihrem Lebenslauf oder einer konkreten Karrierefrage bei unseren Karriere-Experten vorbei. Teilnahmeplätze sind begrenzt.

Salary Negotiations
17 Juli

Salary Negotiations


This webinar will introduce you to all aspects relevant in negotiating a salary.

SAVE THE DATE: Online Speed Dating mit Unternehmen


Die teilnehmenden Unternehmen werden Mitte Mai 2025 veröffentlicht.

Interview Clinics


Nervous about job interviews? The Interview Clinics gives all participants the opportunity to learn from their peers in mock interviews.

The Perfect CV for your Application in Germany


In this webinar you will get an overview of how to create a top-notch CV.

Interview Clinics


Nervous about job interviews? The Interview Clinics gives all participants the opportunity to learn from their peers in mock interviews.

How to Appy with AI


The goal of this webinar is to supply you with best practises to be successful in an application process with AI.

Leveraging Your First Job Experience


This webinar will teach you the tools to navigate the transition into the workforce with confidence.

Der perfekte Lebenslauf


In diesem Webinar lernen Sie, wie Sie Ihr individuelles Profil gut darstellen können.

Ask an Alum: Starting a Career in Automotive Electronics in Germany


Join us for a Q&A with TUM Alum Abhishek Rajeev Punekar on how to start a career in Germany.

Opportunities on the Munich Job Market


In this webinar, you will gain insight into opportunities in the Munich job market.

Jobhunting with a Strategy


In this webinar, you will gain valuable insights on leveraging networks to enhance your job search.

Basics: Working in Germany


In this session, you will learn how to navigate your job hunt and career development in Germany.

Convincing Cover Letters for Applications in Germany


In this webinar we will focus on carefully analyzing job ads and wording authentic and convincing cover letters.

Interview Clinics


Nervous about job interviews? The Interview Clinics gives all participants the opportunity to learn from their peers in mock interviews.