Picture: Emily Norris / peopleimages.com -Adobestock

Career Advice
Meet your Employer
How to master the job interview
24. Mai 2023  |  
Lesezeit ca. Min.
Equipped with the tips of „Present your skills“, you’ll have assembled the perfect portfolio of application documents and made a professional first impression. No wonder then, that your application impressed your prospective employer.

As the next step in the process, the company has now invited you to an initial interview in order to get to know you better. Companies will call you to invite you to interview by telephone but sometimes use email – so remember to keep an eye on your phone and inbox, and respond promptly to any proposals. Enter the date and time of the interview in your calendar and make sure to plan enough time to travel to and from your prospective employer.

Picture: fizkes-iStockphoto.com

Discover the following topics in this article:

  • The job interview – Getting to know each other
  • Structure of the job interview
  • Well prepared for the job interview
  • Dos and Don´ts at the job interview
  • Standard repertoire questions and how to find the best answers
  • Unexpected tests of role plays in job interviews
  • How to prepare your own questions
  • Negotiating your salary for the first time
  • Online interviews
  • The assessment center – how to be prepared

You might experience some nerves or anxiety about being put through your paces. There’s no need to worry! The best way to look at the interview is like a first date between you and your prospective employer. In this meeting, you’re encountering each other as equals, getting to know one another, and you can find out a little more about the company and the duties associated with the job. This will enable both parties – both you and your prospective employer – to decide whether you’d like to explore the possibility of an (employment) relationship.

Picture of the new edition of the TUM Career Guide.

TUM Career Guide: New edition

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TUM Career Guide

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