Coachin und TUM Alumna Valentina Luspai

Valentina Luspai enjoys doing her coaching sessions as a 'Walk & Talk' while going for a stroll. In nice weather, she encourages her coaching clients to take off their shoes and feel the ground (photo: Stefanie Fritzen).

Alumni commitment

Coachin Valentina Luspai

“At TUM I Was Able to Learn and Grow”

02. Jul 2020
Reading time Min.
TUM Alumna Valentina Luspai is inquisitive – about herself, about life and about people. As a coach she fully lives out her passion and her strengths. And she wants to encourage other people to do the same.
Valentina Luspai started her own business as a life coach when she was still a master student at TUM. Since 2017 she has also been working as a coach in the agile context. She does not provide prefabricated solutions for teams and organisations, but instead helps them to help themselves. In order to make her clients more flexible, adaptable and competitive, the passionate coach follows the same approach that has become a formula for success in her own life: she wants to spark her clients’ curiosity about themselves.


Valentina Luspai is a certified Bank Business Management Assistant, has a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Psychology and a Master’s degree in Sustainable Resource Management from TUM. She has worked both self-employed and employed, and as a business woman in her own start-up. The inquisitive process of getting to know and trying out the different disciplines and fields of work significantly added to her experience. Also on her longer journeys through Asia, Europe and South Africa, the TUM Alumna experienced how liberating it is to continually rediscover yourself and through that to also learn more about yourself and your strengths and interests.


Valentina Luspai

Throughout her different experiences, Valentina Luspai realised again and again that she has an unwavering passion for people and their personal development. In her role as a coach, she strives to awaken in others what she has experienced as so enriching herself. Her own approach to life became Valentina Luspai’s coaching approach. “I want to inspire people to embark on their journey, to explore themselves and to exceed themselves”, she explains. “As a coach I try to convey how important it is to gain clarity in life and to apply it in a way that you end up doing exactly what you really love.”


Since 2020 Valentina Luspai has been working for an innovative company that is driving the future of energy supply. This allows her to not only pursue her passion for coaching, but also to apply her expertise in Sustainable Resource Management, which TUM has provided her with.

As of this year, she is a mentor in the TUM Mentoring Programme for Students by Alumni, accompanying young people and encouraging them to develop more curiosity for new things. And she also wants to share her experience with the female scientists, alumni and students of the Women of TUM Network. At the online afterwork event on July 8, 2020 she will talk about her ‘superpower’ clarity. “As a student at TUM I was able to learn and grow”, she says. “Thanks to the invitation to talk about my life and experiences, I now have something to give back.”

Valentina Luspai

Valentina Luspai (photo: Stefanie Fritzen).

Valentina Luspai

Master Sustainable Resource Management 2017


Subsequent to an apprenticeship as a Bank Business Management Assistant, Valentina Luspai completed a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Psychology at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich, followed by the international Master’s programme in Sustainable Resource Management at TUM. While still a student, she started her own business as a coach and since then is supporting people in individual and team coaching sessions, facilitating learning processes in companies and is a consultant in the field of organisational design. As one of the founders of a start-up company for the competence-based use of resources, she has won a Gründerpreis [founder’s award]. In her free time Valentina Luspai can be found on her yoga mat, as well as on stage at improvisational theatre. She lives and works in Berlin.