Three women celebrate their graduation.
Three women celebrate their graduation.

The TUM Community

Lively, Open-Minded, Committed

The TUM Community comprises all alumni, students, doctoral students and postdocs, as well as all employees of TUM.

Picture: Pexels/Karolina Grabowska

What makes the TUM Community so special?

  • We support each other with motivation, advice and friendship
  • We share our personal experiences and keep the worlwide exchange between the generations alive

With your TUM ID you can log in directly and enjoy all the benefits. You don’t have a TUM ID yet? Then please register first. 

TUM Alumni Meetup in Berlin

Leisure Event

An inspiring evening for networking and exchange among TUM alumni in Berlin

© Astrid Eckert
© Astrid Eckert
Queue places available
09 Apr

Fierce & Fearless – Women of TUM across Industry, Innovation & Science

Panel Discussion/Forum,Other

The Women of TUM Talk 2025 brings inspiring TUM alumnae to the stage to share their career journeys and insights. Take this opportunity to connect, network, and gain new perspectives for your own path!

Meetup für TUM Gründerinnen und Gründer


Das Meetup bringt aufstrebende und erfahrene Gründerinnen und Gründer zusammen, um sich (virtuell) zu treffen, Erfahrungen über Lessons Learned auszutauschen, zu diskutieren und zusammenzuarbeiten.

All over the world, TUM alumni exchange ideas with one another - at alumni round tables and virtually (Image: TUM Asia).

A Worldwide Community

TUM connections all around the world! 110.434 TUM Alumni and current students in Germany and abroad are part of the TUM Community. Members of the worldwide network support each other from the beginning of their studies throughout all phases of life. Exchange information in person or online, for example in the numerous online Country Groups, such as TUM Brazil or TUM India.

Time for exchange: The Women of TUM are an open and committed network (Picture: Astrid Eckert/TUM)

Women of TUM

19.000 female students, 130 female professors, and around 40,000 female alumni: The Women of TUM are a lively network that is growing rapidly and connects women across continents, generations, hierarchies and disciplines.

Fun Man Fung is a teacher with heart and soul. His multimedia teaching methods have been proven to increase the learning success of his students (Photo: Private).

TUM Research Alumni

Many international scientists have been at TUM for shorter or longer stays over the last decades and enriched our university with their scientific expertise and international experience.

TUM Ambassadors 2023 at the main campus (Picture: Astrid Eckert/TUM).

TUM Ambassadors

Many international researchers have contributed their expertise and experience to our university over the past decades. Every year since 2013, a cohort of world-class international researchers are selected and awarded the honorary title of “TUM Ambassador“.

Advantages at a Glance

Picture: - shutterstock

Online Community Forum

The Community Forum is the place to connect to students and alumni worldwide. Find old university friends and exchange ideas in one of the various interest groups.

Furthermore, you can easily make changes to your contact address, update your CV and subscribe to our newsletter.

The Career Service offers career advice for students, doctoral candidates and alumni (Image: Alexander Gerner/TUM)

Career Counseling & Jobs

The TUM Career Service is your lifelong companion in matters of career and employment. Take advantage of the careers counselling and visit our career webinars to learn about everything that is important for your application and career. Hundreds of internships and job offers in Germany and abroad can be found in the TUM Jobportal. You can also upload your application documents for a free review.

Mentoring Tandem Frederike Ott and Nora Els (Picture: Magdalena Jooß)

TUM Mentoring

The TUM Mentoring programme offers benefits to both mentors and mentees. For the duration of a year, TUM Alumni provide guidance to students or doctoral students and are available to answer their questions. Several different programmes are available to meet different needs.

TUM Alumni are invited to several events, like here to the Open Day at the TUM School of Life Sciences (Photo: Astrid Eckert/TUM).


The events of the TUM Community are diverse. Lectures and tours exclusively for alumni, Women of TUM afterwork events and career workshops for students. In many of the event formats, alumni talk about their individual life and career paths and give advice to younger generations.

Alumni Magazine KontakTUM 2/2021

Picture: Verena Schmöller/TUM

News from the TUM Community

The TUM Community is always up to date when it comes to news from TUM – with our alumni magazine KontakTUM, the Alumni Stories and our various newsletters:

Vier TUM Absolventinnen und Absolventen machen ein Gruppenfoto mit TUM Luftballons.

Picture: TUM Asia

TUM Community Tales

My Favourite TUM Memories

Studying together, making friends, surpassing oneself: In this video, three international TUM Alumni talk about their favourite memories of TUM.

Pictures from the TUM Community

Picture: Uli Benz/TUM

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