TUM Alumna Katrin Kredel advises her international mentees to concentrate their studies and careers on what machines cannot do: the ability to work in a team, empathy, people and solution-oriented cooperation. The picture shows Katrin Kredel (centre) with (from left to right): Azadeh Abbasian, Raginie Prassad, Nejc Zupan, Ana Tori, Alexandre Mongeau, Joseph Nwankwo, Wiyar Sharif, Elham Rezaei (Photo: Private).
Learning from each other and with each other
Katrin Kredel has the fondest memories of her time studying at TUM and is full of praise for her university teachers. She enthusiastically attended the lectures of TUM professor Dr. Norbert Huse in History of Art and Architecture, which were more crowded than any other lecture and which she still remembers as being ‘without comparison’. TUM professor and alumni Dr. Rudolf Wienands taught her to see, look and analyse. “I learnt for life while studying Architecture, namely to structure and to plan”, she says. Professor Dr. Otto Meitinger, former president of TUM, showed her how important enthusiasm, good cooperation and fair teamwork are. She signed up for so many of the exciting subjects that they didn’t even all fit on her certificate.
I help to sort and structure thoughts.
Reaching goals together
Since 1992 Katrin Kredel has been working as a freelance consultant and project manager for large redevelopment projects, construction progress and construction organisation. Not only professionally, but above all emotionally she supports the planners and construction managers, construction workers and tenants, motivates them, inspires them and never tires of insisting on good teamwork, friendliness at the workplace and common goals as a formula for success. “I save buildings and people”, she says with a smile. “I care for disheartened team members and drive all too relaxed project members with the whip. Every day is exciting!”
Networking and establishing contacts
In order to bring together like-minded people from the real estate industry, Katrin Kredel initiated a monthly event as chairwoman of the ‘Women in the Real Estate Industry’ Munich. Not long after that, the number of members of the association in Munich had risen from 2 to 64. In 2004, she launched the now widely copied format of Immoclubbing, through which she connects hundreds of industry members several times a year – from architects to building experts, from lawyers to fund managers – in a new and better way. “It’s about getting to know each other, exchanging ideas and finding teams”, Katrin Kredel says about her events, which run successfully throughout Germany.
Since 2013 Katrin Kredel has been a mentor in the programme TUM Mentoring for Students by Alumni, particularly to international students. “I like to get to know people, I like to hear their stories”, she explains, “but in the beginning I was very unsure about what the young people expected and whether there was anything I could do for them.” The initial uncertainty quickly disappeared, because her young mentees are looking for exactly what Katrin Kredel is so good at: networking and making contacts. She has built up a multicultural and international mentee group, which she has been supporting for years now. “I bring them all together and help them to sort and structure their thoughts”, she describes her strategy. “Like this I am helping the group to help each other.”

Katrin Kredel (Picture: private).
Degree Architecture 1988
From 1983 to 1988 Katrin Kredel studied Architecture at TUM. After working as Head of Department at a banking subsidiary in Frankfurt am Main, she moved back to Munich and started her own business in 1992. She works as a consultant and project manager for project developments, major redevelopment projects, construction progress and construction organisation.
In 2004, the passionate team player launched Immoclubbing – after-work events for industry members to network. Since 2013, she connects international students as a mentor in the programme TUM Mentoring for Students by Alumni. In her scarce free time Katrin Kredel likes to travel. She has already promised all her mentees to visit their families one by one in their home countries.
Katrin Kredel lives in Munich and is the mother of a second-semester law student.