Ein wunderschönes Foto der Teilnehmer*innen der "3-Seen Tour: Starnberger See – Maisinger See – Ammersee“.
Ein wunderschönes Foto der Teilnehmer*innen der "3-Seen Tour: Starnberger See – Maisinger See – Ammersee“.

TUM Community Events

For Students and Alumni of TUM

Career Workshops, Alumni Expert Talks, Mentoring Get Together and much more

Participants of the “3-Lakes Tour: Lake Starnberg – Lake Maising – Lake Ammersee”, organized by TUM Mentoring Mentee Mohamed Kassem (Picture: Mohamed Kassem).


Meetup für TUM Gründerinnen und Gründer


Das Meetup bringt aufstrebende und erfahrene Gründerinnen und Gründer zusammen, um sich (virtuell) zu treffen, Erfahrungen über Lessons Learned auszutauschen, zu diskutieren und zusammenzuarbeiten.

TUM Alumni & Career‘s New Program: Engineers for Germany


Registrations will be possible from 3 March 2025.

Grafik: canva
Grafik: canva
Queue places available
27 Mar

TUM Alumni Meetup in Berlin

Leisure Event

An inspiring evening for networking and exchange among TUM alumni in Berlin

Women of TUM Talk 2025

Fierce & Fearless

Women of TUM across Industry, Innovation & Science 

This year’s Women of TUM Talk, themed “Fierce & Fearless,” brings together TUM students, alumnae, scientists, and employees for an evening of inspiration, networking, and exchange.

Concert with the TUM-Family

Every year, TUM hosts two major classical advent concerts that bring together the entire TUM family.
Bei den alljährlichen Adventskonzerten der TUM in der Philharmonie im Gasteig kommt die ganze TUM-Familie zusammen.

Picture: Astrid Eckert/TUM

Vivat TUM Concert 2024

All alumni, first-year students and their parents as well as “Freunde der TUM” members were cordially invited to the Vivat TUM Concert on Sunday, December 1, 2024 at 2.30 pm at the Isarphilharmonie.

The Symphonic Ensemble Munich (SEM) and the TUMChor performed under the direction of Professor Felix Mayer.


Concert program for the 200th birthday of Anton Bruckner:

Welcome by Prof. Dr. Thomas F. Hofmann, TUM President 

Anton Bruckner (1824-1896)


Symphony No. 7 in E major, WAB 107



Prof. Felix Mayer, Artistic director of the TUM Center for Culture and Arts




Symphonisches Ensemble München

Photos of Vivat TUM Concerts

Vivat TUM Sommerkonzert 2022

Picture: Astrid Eckert/TUM

Video of the Vivat TUM Concert 2022
Good conversation among silver jubilarians at the champagne reception.

Picture: photogenika/TUM

Silver, Golden and Diamond Jubilee

Alumni Anniversary Celebrations

You have graduated from TUM 25, 50 or 60 years ago with a diploma or doctorate? Then we would like to invite you to celebrate your Silver, Golden or Diamond Jubilee with us.

Picture: Alexander Gerner/TUM

Your Future in Mind

Career Events

The Career Events offer students and alumni opportunities for professional orientation and to acquire key skills.

Picture: Magdalena Jooss/TUM

Intergenerational Learning

Mentoring Events

At TUM Mentoring alumni share their professional and personal experience with TUM students and doctoral students. In workshops and webinars they share their know-how and insights.

Picture: Uli Benz/TUM

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Would you like to receive exclusive invitations to our events and news for alumni? Please let us know your current contact details.
